You forgot YES, YES, YES!!!
i chose 4 YES YES YES YES!!!
<skontar argueing with himself>…
valarking is not insane enough!!! :x
Yes he is… :x
No he isn’t!!! :x
Yess he is… :x
No he isn’t… :x
Yes… :x
No… :x
Ooohhh enough… Look at what you did to me!!! Now I also have a dual personality problem. I can’t reach to a conclusion, wether you are insane enough to be locked, or you are just harmless and deserve to be left alone…
Tell you what I’ll do!!! I’ll consult your shrink!!!
this top ten posters option in the memberlist seems to cause people to publically humiliate themselves…
Insane? let’s see…he’s got a whole army of freaks…he has dual personality…he’s always fighting with Skontar…huummmm…this is though. i say NO. LOL
Insane? Noooooo… Or? Well, I´ll let valarking judge that.
insane? you are far from insane my friend. you make insane look normal.
infact you make insane look something like perfect.
since when did the two of us ever do anything that to ‘publically humiliate ourselves’???
valar, your going to run out of bullshit posts soon and your only halfway to the top ten… pace yourself 8)
hey kib, how will this new karma system detect dumb posts? =) an advance html AI?? hehe… im curious to see this new karma deal, good luck getting it implemented
valar, good luck climbing to the top
NEAT! How’s this for some karma stuff:
Great: This Blenderhead Rocks
Good: Blenderhead Deluxe
Okay: Just A Blenderhead, Just An Ordinary Blenderhead
Sucks: BOOO! Lock His Posts And Write “Wash Me” On Him!
Totally Sucks Donkey Balls: What A Spammer! Ban Him!
BTW: I think “karma” allows you to vote for what you think of the Blenderhead. ValarKing would get “Sucks Donkey Balls,” I’d get “Good”, and the Moderators would always get “Great” because they’ll have a rule saying that if you say they suck donkey balls, they’re free to ban you If not, well, I said “I think.”
NEAT! How’s this for some karma stuff:
Great: This Blenderhead Rocks
Good: Blenderhead Deluxe
Okay: Just A Blenderhead, Just An Ordinary Blenderhead
Sucks: BOOO! Lock His Posts And Write “Wash Me” On Him!
Totally Sucks Donkey Balls: What A Spammer! Ban Him!
BTW: I think “karma” allows you to vote for what you think of the Blenderhead. ValarKing would get “Sucks Donkey Balls,” I’d get “Good”, and the Moderators would always get “Great” because they’ll have a rule saying that if you say they suck donkey balls, they’re free to ban you If not, well, I said “I think.”[/quote]
Well that was quite rude.
valar you talk the talk - mostly aimless stupid shite so walk the walk and post these jewel encrusted masterpieces laying dormant and your hard drive… or should i say make something real quick to dazzle us.
although i was waiting for your moronic BOO post.
Some people (using the term loosly) really annoy me. And damnit, valar king, frankly, you top that list.
In everyone’s book, you’re worse.
has kib killed the postcount function? i cant see how many posts i have!!!
has kib killed the postcount function? i cant see how many posts i have!!!
he sure has, thanks to VALARKING… its all VALARKINGS fault… because of VALARKINGS cheesy spam posts, kib killed the viewing on the forums… but u can still go to the member list and check there =) but thanks to VALARKING, no viewing in forums because of VALARKING… i dont know whos fault it is, but i think VALARKING is to blame… yes, its VALARKINGS fault…
i tried to be subtle
its no big deal really, we still have it in the member list so thats cool…
so smile =)