Node group containing different mapping for the same image

I have a collection of alpha mask without grey value (only black or white) and I want to use them as bump map.
If I use them directly in bump node, I don’t like the result :
It’s correct in close up, but when camera take away from the object, it become invisible.
So I try different things with shader nodes to obtain a better result :

I now can have more control to the “bump effect”, and it become more visible, but now, I want to do that in a node group and use it in many different image. But I don’t know if it is possible to have image as input of a node group, and use two different mapping on it.
Do you have an idea how to do that?

Bump needs a bit of gradient to look nice so you should try making a new image from the alpha channel (in photoshop or gimp) and blurring it a bit (save to high bit depth 16 or 32).

You can not blur the image proceduraly in the shader editor in blender.

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