Hi guys - what node can I use to repeat an image in the blender compositor?
Hi guys - what node can I use to repeat an image in the blender compositor?
Transform nodes have wrap now but I don’t think you can get a repeat unless you use a texture input node.
I was just trying to do the same thing yesterday, however, the Transform node does appear to be broken. I tested is on 2.71RC1 on OSX and On 2.70 on Windows 7.
The final result is just glitched…
Works pretty good here.
Make sure you put the image you want to tile OVER a larger image. Blender’s canvas problems will not let you just tile an image without making the output image larger first. Hard to explain, but in my example, I brought in a 1920x1080 image, put solid black over top of it, and then put the image I wanted to tile on top of that.
Then just use the Translate node. Do any other adjustments to the image AFTER the tiling.