Node Wrangler/Blender pathing bug? Ctrl shift T bug Base color in the metallic input


sometime when I’ll use the import multiple texture pbr with ctrl shift T and node wrangler, the base color is also in the metallic node! I’ll must reassigned the metallic input.

It’s happen sometime not all the time.
Do you have the same problem ? Is there a fix for that?

Thanks by advance for your help.

Best regards.

Check the naming on the PBR images…If they are not set to the same tags in the Wrangler plug-in it will interpret them wrong…and they are very specific…
In this case, I had to add the Base Color as it was not imported as it was Named Basecolor, which would not work with the current tags…

Thanks for the response.

I’m going to check that. In SP it’s named _BaseColor,_Metallic ect.

Where you open the windows to see the tag?

Thanks by advance.

I’ll find the windows.

I’ll add BaseColor at the end of the line I’ll write with the B and C majuscule I’ll hope it’s not a problem? or must I’ll write it basecolor ?

For the moment the change seems have no effect always the same problem BaseColor is also on the metallic. It’s happen sometime.

Thank by advance