Node Wrangler vs 4.0.0 Alpha?

Yeah, alpha software, but this has been happening to me for the last several builds, and I haven’t found a bug report on it:

That’s with the included Node Wrangler addon enabled, after hitting CTRL T for “Add Texture Setup”. Anybody else getting this?

Yes you are not alone.

Also, in case you have not noticed the search box has disappeared from the add menu, you can now hit the add menu and just type in your search without it. They are changing things in the node editors so maybe node wrangler will have to catch up.

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Get ready for 4.0 breaking every blender plugins guys

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Yes and be careful files are not backwards compatible!

There is a bug report but no signs of any devs yet. Hopefully they’ll get on it soon!


Thank you! Why couldn’t I find that?!? Did I misspell “wrangelr” or something? :smiling_face:

So I’m not sure 'bout protocol on this – should I pile on with “reproduced in latest build”, or is what they’ve got sufficient?

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Texture Setup has been fixed … Should be in Builds soon.

Node Preview not as yet. Hopefully That gets fixed before Release as its the more useful feature of NW.

Gitea search is TERRIBLE!!! The issue is third from the top in the blender-addon issue tracker, but searching for “Wrangler,” “wrangler,” or “Node wrangler” only finds issues that are over a year old.

The bad search function is a known issue, but I can’t seem to find the thread where all the gitea issues are/were being tracked.Found it

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Y’know, way back when I was on the DAZ forums, using “the s word” was considered bad luck. I was going to reply to this after I downloaded the next Daily Build of 4.0alpha and tried it. But:

screenshot.2023-09-14 08.14.530x400

I’ve also checked the Builders page, which tells me those builds have failed multiple times over the last few days – someone more code-worthy might be able to give us a plain-language version of why.

As Node Wrangler is a “addon” and not part of the core its kind of low priority considering the huge list of tasks that need to be addressed before the 4.0 release. But considering its an addon that almost everyone uses its definitely going to be fixed before 4.0 final (But you never know !).
What users can do ensure this ? Follow up in blender chat or comment when this specific issue is reported / discussed in forums SM etc.

After a solid week without, a new Windows Daily Build up today! Tried it, CTRL-T is working again. Thanks everybody!

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But Shift+S still not working.