Nodevember 023+024: Small (tater tots)

reference image:

small[tater tot].blend (1.3 MB) - cc0 license

I’m pretty pleased with this one. It took some figuring and head scratching, but it all came together in the end. I’m especially proud of the greasy paper boat.


im sorry to say this im am but i dont tell lies but the first 2 tots dont look real but the 3rd looks real. :confounded:

The third picture better look real, That’s my reference photo haha! Thanks for the feedback! I could certainly spend some more time polishing this, but I’m already a few days behind and I need to move on.

If you want to take a stab at gussying it up, You can download the blend file and see if you can make it any nicer.

i dont know how to use this stuff i stummbuled on this when i was serching jet trains

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That’s a bit of a detour, haha. Good luck with your jet trains

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Looks better than what they sell in real life. :slight_smile:

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Thanks! I could eat way too many tots, given the opportunity.

SSS helps every time!

I bumped up the SSS and it definitely helps!


i think it change because it looks more real that last time :+1:

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Tots are so good.

I didn’t realize it was you. You are doing some of the best Nodey stuff this Nodevember. I really appreciate you sharing the blend so we can all learn. I had a lot of fun playing with the concrete jacks.


I appreciate you enjoying it. It’s a good opportunity to lean into the open source spirit and give back to the community. Also, trying to capture these node trees in screenshots is hard and not really helpful.

I do enjoy seeing the ways you play with the files, thanks for sharing your modifications, I’d love to see more!

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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