Nodevember Day 23-30: Small, Medium, Large, Huge

Sci-fi city

Some images from the process:

The nodes:

Also here it is the file:
City_Final.blend (4.7 MB)

Some instructions for the file:
-best to open with blender 3.1 (otherwise there will be some cylinders flying around the scene);
-there are 2 main objects (the city and the flying cars);
-for the city there is a toggle for detailed buildings (0- for detailed buildings ; 1- for simple volumes);

-fot the flying cars you can toggle the paths for the instances to check for direction, movement, collisions with buildings;


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I can’t upload it, so here it is a link for it.

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Awesome stuff… :heart_eyes: :clap: :partying_face:
Thanx for the blend… :pray:

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