Nodevember22 Prompt 3: Oceanic Wonder; Mangrove

Nodevember22 Prompt 3: Oceanic Wonder; Mangrove

Really Like the Out come of this, and it’s quite fun to render with fish-eye :slight_smile:
Was revisiting Erindales ‘Advanced Geometry Nodes Course’ for this, which i can highly recommend! was a the perfect warm-up for Nodevember. Also it made a good base for those mangroves

Here’s a Turntable: (ignore me calling it prompt 4! ;D that edit function wouldn’t be bad)

First i created the Leafs with shader-nodes

For performance sake i baked 3 variations of it, and created an Atlas with Compositor.

In Hindsight i should have oriented all leaves the same way, in order to use Tangent Space- Normal Mapping, instead of Object Space, which breaks when realizing Instances.
So i could not use Noise Displacement on the leafs. So i cheated my way by modelling the Leafs by hand; and giving them a bit variation.

Geometry Nodes part is mainly revisiting Erins Course, which i again can highly recommend!
And making it a Mangrove.
I’ve created a rudimentary branch- group ( nothing special) and Instance a few variations of it.
Also I am using 100drips great new Clean-up trick for Shortest Path. which helps a lot with the geometry-weight of the roots!

More Pictures; Wireframe, etc:

probably still a bit too high for exporting, but the clean up really works wonders!

Going to skip ‘futuristic Garden’ for now to catch up for once. Gonna do it later, it’s a nice prompt! :slight_smile:

Happy noodling y’all!


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!


Woah Triple! Thanks a ton! Have a great Weekend too!

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