[non-blender] QConvert - right click h264 conversion tool for windows

Hi blenderhead, here’s a little out of topic “script” for windows user, it’s non blender but video related, and hopefully it could save some times to other users !

the tool allows you to make a quick and efficient h264 conversion directly through windows environment !

I wrote it because i always use masters version (image sequence then dnxh, qt animation or prores) and they are unsendable to client due to their size, so here it is, just select them in windows file explorer, right click and boum !

This piece of code relies entirely on the great ffmpeg library (as blender does) and i know you can do that through blender gui, but when using different pieces of software, and dealing with several videos, this tool could be handy !

Here’s QConvert v0.1

and the Github page for more informations !

and the roadmap :

  • image sequence : by right clicking on a file, you can tell qconvert via the menu it’s part of an image sequence and it will collect them through the conversion
  • support for extra encoding : extend abilities to dnxhd hr, prores, and probably quicktime animation
  • preset support for these formats (write your own preset, and find them in the right-click menu)

Hope this isn’t too out-of-topic, feel free to ask and criticize as usual !

But how to install, please?
Where can I find FFMPEG.exe?

Hi, sorry, i post a little walkthrough on github, but forgot it here !
So, here’s the ffmpeg link
and the steps to follow :

  • Download last release of qconvert and ffmpeg
  • place ffmpeg in a convenient place for you
  • unzip anywhere qconvert, and double click on the setup.bat file
  • follow the installation process
  • you should have the right click qconvert menu on any file in windows explorer/environment !
  • if you didn’t setup ffmpeg path during installation process, you can search manually your ffmpeg executable (in the ffmpeg package you downloaded in first step, bin folder, ffmpeg.exe file), right click on it and go to qconvert menu, “set ffmpeg path” to set it !

The qconvert menu has several options, you can convert, setup the h264 preset, open the qconvert folder, set the ffmpeg path or uninstall qconvert !

It has been tested on W10 and 7, but as command line tool, should be alright with 8 and even XP ! tell me if anything went wrong !

Thanks tonton, Top-notch!
Congratulations. All is ok now, thks.
Salut et à bientôt. J’avais fait le setup.bat mais je ne savais pas où étais le FFMPEG sur Win, je travaille sur Linux… Mon ordi portable est en Win7 et ca marche impec.

Cool ! content que ça fonctionne ! en espérant que ce petit utilitaire te sera aussi utile qu’à moi !
Cool ! glad it works, hoping this little tool could be useful for some !

I just updated roadmap on first post !