Non-Destructive Primitives Add-on v0.2.4

Hi, made this quick add-on during the evening, hope you enjoy! :slight_smile:

I might expand it further in the future, but its already quit useful. No more re-creating objects if you just move them slighly.

Non-Destructive Primitives allows you to create parametric primitives in Blender.
Procedural primitive

Once you’re done, simply enter Edit Mode and begin modeling!
Edit Mode

If you ever change your mind, you can enable the modifier again and continue tweaking it in Object Mode. Once done, you can jump straight back into modeling again!
Edit Mode Again

Gizmo Support
Gizmo 5

Auto-Scaled Objects Options: Objects are automatically scaled relative to the current view in the 3D viewport, ensuring they are neither too big nor too small by default.

Full Material Support Out of the Box
Material 3

Support for Setting Pivot Point Position

Choose from a wide range of Parametric Primitivse:

(more to be added)

Fully Customizable Pie Menu:

This Add-on also works great together with Edit Mesh found in Modifier List, For even more None-Destructiveness! (A bit like Edit Poly in 3ds Max)


Thank you. That’s really useful. Especially being able to re-edit things like the torus and spiral!

I see all edits are destructive, but it is nice to be able to back-step back to the original…

In fact, a toggle to duplicate (and hide) the original object before edits might be useful (also easy to just do it manually)… that way one can keep the changed object and always be able to go back to the original (sort of like a “stashed” object) primitive settings.

Thanks again!

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Thanky @ZeroDean :slight_smile:

If you whant a easier way to go back, I strongly recomend to use “Edit Mesh” Modifer in the Modifier List addon, that I added a little while ago.

Works perfectly together with this add-on! :slight_smile:


I had no idea that someone had implemented Edit Mesh functionality in Blender! I’m excited to go check it out!

Funny, I have Modifier List installed already from one of my previous visits to the extensions repository, just not activated. So that was easy! Time to explore!

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Happy that you are exicted about it! :slight_smile:

Make sure to get latest version of Non-Destructive Primitives by the way, found some bugs in the first release that now is fixed.

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Review: Non-Destructive Primitives — Blender Extensions

You rock bro!!!

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Just downloaded the latest and tested. Really loving this ND Primitives + Edit Mesh (Modifier List) combo! Sooo good.

I think I found a couple one more :beetle::

  1. If you add a Quadsphere and simultaneously select all the size transforms to resize, it doesn’t resize on-screen even when the numbers go up/down via mouse or typing manually (it does resize if you select individually).

  2. If you add a mesh, then add a SubDiv modifier, then an Edit Mesh, and then attempt to use the hotkey to add another SubDiv below the Edit Mesh, it won’t accept it (it will if you manually add a SubDiv modifier). Not sure if this is normal Blender behavior. Turns out this is normal Blender behavior. Using the SubDiv hotkey applies the hotkey settings to the original SubDiv in the stack and doesn’t add a second SubDiv modifier. You have to add it manually.

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Thank you @ZeroDean for the reports! Glad you like the addons!

Will fix in the next update! :slight_smile: Should be out today or tomorrow, big plans in expanding the addon since it has gotten so many postive respons.

Fantastic news about expanding it.

From my limited testing just now, it appears the ND primitives will not accept a material from the Materials tab…

…and I currently can’t find any other way to assign a material via the modifier input… so this would be a must-have feature for me. :slight_smile:

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Yes, since its a geo node modifier. I will add a material input socket to all primtivs in the update :slight_smile:


why wasnt this strongly advertised ? its an important modifier for people coming from 3dsmax


I have posted it on all my social medias, and I guess I could also put a billboard outside my apartment, but aside from that, how should I advertise it stronger? :laughing: Tips are welcome!


I dunno, I’d heard of it…

:rofl: :rofl:

Not to be underestimated as a tool…


Mesh got you angry? Better call Dangry!


Lmao :joy: character filler

Non-Destructive Primitives 0.2.0 is Out Now!

New Features:

  • Experimental Gizmo Support: Can be enabled/disabled in addon preferences. Not sure if I prefere it yet, its completly optional and can be disabled, let me know if it can be improved :slight_smile:

  • Auto-Scaled Objects: Objects are now automatically scaled relative to the current view in the 3D viewport, ensuring they are neither too big nor too small by default.
    Auto Scale 4

  • New Cylinder Primitive: Created using the Screw Modifier.

  • New Capsule Primitive: Added to the primitive options.

  • Customizable Primitive Menu Location: The location of primitives in the default “Add Object” menu can now be changed or removed entirely.

New Options:

  • Delete Modifier After Entering Edit Mode: Automatically removes modifiers when entering edit mode.
  • Auto-Switch to Modifier Tab: Automatically switches to the modifier tab for quicker workflow.

Pie Menu:

  • Customizable Pie Menu: A fully customizable pie menu has been added. It appears with “Shift + A” by default, but can be changed or disabled entirely.


  • Improved Edit Mode Detection: The Message Bus is now used for detecting entry into edit mode, replacing reliance on the “TAB” shortcut. This makes it more reliable and faster.
  • Primitves can now be assign materials just like a normal object in the material tab.

Writing a review and giving it a good rating :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: on the Blender Extension Platform is one of the best ways to make it more known, installed a lot and become popular.

The closer it gets to the top-rated add-ons, the more installations there will be.


ahh ok , its a geonode modifier you made yourself , i thought this was a new feature of blender. maybe it should be outsourced from modifier list as a standalone.

Nice to see the development!

Just a quick note…

  1. It’s very difficult to translate the cube primitive because the sizing handles overlap the gizmo.


*As one attempts to work with the primitives in a scene, the sizing handles getting in the way of the translate gizmo appears to be an issue with other primitives as well.



  1. The Torus isn’t accepting materials
  2. The tooltips… currently says “Add a none destructive primitive” when it means “non-destructive”
  3. Applying the scale to a cube (possibly other primitives) after it has been scaled in the viewport reverts the scale back to the modifier’s settings and doesn’t apply the current scale. I’m not entirely sure exactly what is happening (or why), only that the object isn’t accepting an “apply scale” and reverts to some other size after application.
  4. It doesn’t appear possible to adjust the origins of the primitives while they are in the non-destructive state (might be a known limitation of the setup? Perhaps if the origin was somehow linked to an empty that could be moved around?).
  5. It doesn’t appear the primitives will accept smooth shading (would be good to have that as an option)