I am using blender for an interior design problem. My wife wants to re-do the kitchen and I want to make a realistic walkthrough for her. When I initially set up the walls as modified mesh cubes, I simply scaled things to the right dimensions, e.g. I would scale a 5x8x0.5 foot wall to 5x8x0.5. That worked pretty well. (See: http://www.billoblog.com/kitchen).
Now I’m working on the living room. To make the walls, I duplicated a kitchen wall and scaled it by eye for initial placement. Now I’m at the point of wanting to match it to the blueprints, but when I go to look at the transform properties, it’s not right. It seems (though I am not certain) that when I duplicated the mesh, it reset the scaling transform to 1x1x1, and what I’m seeing represents changes after duplication.
When I look at the little cube in the “Properties” window, I only see the scaling transform, not an absolute size (I think). Similarly, it seems the scale part of the transform window that comes up on the left side of the 3D windos when I go into Object Edit isn’t what I want either. Maybe I’m missing something in Edit mode, too, but I just don’t see it.
Is there a window/button/whatever that will allow me to see and set the absolute size of the dimensions of an object – at least a cube – for architectural/interior design problems where I have to set dimensions explicitly?