Normal map doesn't bake

I’m trying to bake a normal map from a high poly model to a low poly model. The scene is made for example. No information is baked onto the normal map. I tried to repeat the steps on the video in YouTube, but there is no result. What could be the problem?


Cube_high doesn’t appear to be selected.
Its row is highlighted in outliner, but it doesn’t count as selected - it should have an outline in 3D viewport and sort of orange color in Outliner.
Check if you set it to be Un-selectable: in Outliner, Filter menu, check second icon - a little arrow. It would bring Selectable toggles

…though, if it were the case there should’ve been an error message at the bottom :thinking:

The screenshot in the topic is really not selected, but the problem still remains

Huh… okay, I can’t see anything else amiss in the screenshot, then.
Is lowpoly Unwrapped correctly?

Maybe you could share the file?

Of course
Test_cube.blend (886.6 KB)

Oh, you need to set some Cage Extrusion, because your lowpoly is completely inside the highpoly and no ray hits its mark :person_shrugging:

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I tried many extrusion options, but all options lead to incorrect normals

I think I managed to bake a correct map.

Couple things first, you always need to smooth shade both of your meshes, so smooth shade your low poly. Then I had to inflate the high poly just a little, faces overlap with each other and cause a problem, since this is a simple mesh inflating won’t change anything. And then you need to increase margin size. this will smooth the edges. Also you might wanna add a bit of margin to uv islands too, this way the bleed won’t affect other uv islands.



Considering that lowpoly is shaded flat these results are not wrong exactly.
If you had a seam at every sharp edge with some margin between UV islands there would be no artifacts (but a lot of seams).

So, shading lowpoly smooth (or maybe with Hardened Normals?) is easier solution in this case. Depends on your goals.

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Shade smooth for the low poly model really helped. Thank you)

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