Normal map not baking properly

I am trying to bake a normal map for my model and it just does not want to work.

These are my models:

Top Middle Model is low res.
Bottom left is high res.
Bottom right is low res with applied normal map.
On the right side is the baked normal map.

The resulting normal map has those white areas, that should definetly not be there and there are various faces, that are not baked at all.
Also, even on a 4k texture, the normal map is really pixelated.

Is this a problem with my model? I get the same Result even if i apply a remesh modifier.
Is this a problem with the bake settings?

have you checked the normals? maybe share your file:

Set your low to shade smooth before you bake. In the screenshot, its flat shaded.

If there are problems after, this vid from Arrimus may tackle your issues.

So, i checked the normals.
I also created a custom cage whitch improved things quite a lot, but there are still (new) glitches cropping up.

Now it looks like that:

Top is High Res Mesh.
Middle Left is cage Mesh.
Middle Right is Low Res Mesh with smooth shading.
Bottom is Low Res Mesh with normal Map applied.
On the Right is the normal map.

I could not upload the file to pasteall, but i uploaded it to google drive:

it made my computer crash at one point so I couldn’t say, but it looks like the last picture you show has correct colors. I don’t understand why you don’t use Subsurf, even though it would need to rework your mesh

Yeah, the normals seem right, but when applied, i get this weird blackish color on one side that should not be there.

Do you mean subsurface scattering or subdivision surface?
Im pretty new to 3D-Modelling so im not sure how to use that here.

I’ve directly used Case004 and not the cage because you should not need it. In the Shader Editor make sure you’ve unplugged the Image Texture and that its Color Space is Non-Color, decrease the Normal Map node strength back to 1, in the Bake panel disable Cage, choose Ray Distance > 0.1, click on Bake. The 3D relief won’t appear exactly as it is on the original maybe because when scanning it needs to hurt normals that are not parallel which might be the case here, but other than that it works fine…

Make sure your cage has the same smoothing as the lowpoly. To get more out of the chiseled text, scale the inside to be a bit more concave. You are going to make it look good on the normal map, so don’t matter if it looks good on the HP.