Normal map seams

I’ve seen lots of posts on normal map seams, but I’m still not sure whats going on, here

all I’ve done, here, is created a sphere, laid out the uvs, made simple texture, height map and normal map for it. I’m getting a seam where the edges of the unwrapped sphere meet. The texture I made was duplicated to the right and left…In other words, there is no seam when it’s only textured, but I’m getting a big, fat seam when I apply the normal map

What the hell?!

i forgot to ask nicely…can anyone please help me?

Not sure how to solve your problem … but I’ve notice that Normal maps in general have issues in 2.4x series. Maybe try a search for this as well other NM issues, which may be related and provide a solution?

I had this problem once and the way I solved it was to make sure that even the parts of the texture that had no UV coordinates still had the 128,128,255 blue color (tangent space, btw) so that when the mip map antialiasing happened the texture still contained some normal information that made sense to the renderer. Perhaps if you posted a blend or the texture in question it would be a better help so we could see the problem?

Tangent normal maps seem to have less problems with seams than object normal maps.


Ok, here’s some images…you can see the texture has been mirrored in the x axis. I took said texture and created a height map out of it by simply removing the color; then made a normal map using the “X-Normal” filter plug-in in PS.

I just read something about painting out the seams in your normal maps…would I have to do that in this case? If so, how?



It may help to paint out the seams, yes.
What you would have to do is save a template of your UVs and then in Photoshop use it to create a selection of just your object and then use the inverse of that selection to color the areas outside the UV to R128,G128,B256.
Alternately you could try baking the normal map from the object to a new image with the clear button pressed, then you would only need to add the light blue background.

One caveat is that even with the best tricks there may still be a slight seam so it goes without saying to not expect it to be very perfect.

thank you, but what do i do with this image once its created?

I think that this little mockup picture should help. Also you should try making sure your texture images are a power of 2 it really helps in the long run.


this didnt seem to work

thank you, though

If you change the texture output from being Normal / Bump based to colour, you will see why this is happening. You have red parts meeting up with blue.

For this shape, you might want to use a procedural to generate a similar pattern in Orco rather than UV… this way it will at least wrap seamlessly. Bake this to the UV map if you want to doctor it manually in Gimp / Photoshop etc.