normal maps problems (need help for a serious project i am making)

hay there
so i am making a project of mine that is really very important to me
i am almost done with modeling it should be a hard surface modeling of a robot
i thought the way i can make some parts go inside (like the very narrow spaces between machine parts) like the pic included

i could trick it with baking a normal map (if i am making any sense)
but there are couple of problems
1-the normal map is so much pixeled how ever big i make my image, i have looked threw alot of tutorials and most of them were by older versions of blender i have 26.3

2-it make marks om the seems and it make some very sharp edges around shapes on the normal map O.o okay its horrible xD

3-it make some noise in spaces that doesnt even have any info

i am done with this baking thing xD there is no any other way to make good normal maps?

note: i have used ZBrush before to make the details and take these details on a normal map and then re unwrap the object on blender and put the normal map (you know the traditional way i guess xD) but the scales were defferent between the ZBrush unwrap and blender unwrap O.o

another note: i am useing cycles so i switch to normal blender render to bake the normal map and then take this normal map and put it on the node editor of cycles (of course on the displacement place) :stuck_out_tongue: