Created in Blender 2.72
Cloud Background compiled from images at
Post Processing done in Photoshop CS2
Nice render. I like it. Would be cool to have a couple of cars behind it. Or maybe a whole bunch of them.
I agree that it would look better with cars behind it, but really cool and detailed otherwise.
Nice render!
Thanks! Yeah, I may continue this project at a later date and add a coal car and other cars.
Thanks a lot!
Thank you!
what they said… all true… use make human the free program to put some engineers in there, the extra cars, and an Indian, trying to wrestle a pouch of tobacco from a loose fitting as hes riding his horse… ok now you got me… hehe. also focus on the trees a bit more… and the landscape, draw from it… get power and give it back to viewers… ^^…0…1ac.1.56.img…1.12.1287.xp303RBSnXw#facrc=&imgdii=&
I did a Google search for the 4-4-0 American locomotive, which is what you seem to be modeling here.
I think that you have a wonderful start on this. My issue is that it looks a little “clean”. It needs a few extra parts. If you looks at my search you will see what I mean, I think.
I do like this start though…Keep at it!!!
Lol, yeah. That would only take a few years for me to do But yeah. Some extra cars would help. The trees?
I was actually modeling this model train: But the design is similar.
I believe you mean add more details and such to the train? If so then yes. I agree. It would benefit with more greeblie type things.