
In that case it looks like the first letter is cutoff. :wink:


So much talent here!!!

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Thereā€™s some funky scale stuff going on and Iā€™m not sure your intent with the plane outside the window fully comes across (looks like an actual plane passing though, which doesnā€™t make logical sense). But that aside, the TONE and lighting of this piece is spot on. Gives me that warm glow of nostalgia.

I love the Dark Souls 3 VHS boxart, even if it doesnā€™t make a lot of sense. That sort of combination of new/retro is appealing to me.

Sweet old days :smiley: Great ambience, I like the lighting :wink:

Itā€™s remind me of good old days with PS1.

ahh favorite gifts for my kids ā€¦ redstorm scientific

Love the Kreator-sticker. Couldā€™ve been my room back in the day.

Really nice!
Where did you render and made the light effects? They added a really nice touch in this scene ^^.

Really well done! Iā€™ve never had any of these items and it makes me feel nostalgic. Evocation of such emotion Iā€™d say makes your piece a success.

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Blender compositor and photoshop

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awesome work.

Aphex Twin on audio cassetteā€¦ whatever next!


A lot of attention to detail here. Really good composition too. Great job all over. :+1:

Wow, the render of the donkey kong cartridge is incredible. So real looking. Great work, and great inspiration for a noob like me.

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It reminds me of my kiddie days and iā€™m not that old ;). Me and my siblings would take turns, playing Sega Rom games. And then we would fight for few more extra minutes 'cause our ma would shout at us ā€œItā€™s time to Study!!!ā€.

Thanks itā€™s beautiful.

How do you guys make those screen shaders? They come out so crisp

love it. stranger things vibes all the way :slight_smile:

Seems nice and skilled, just one point from a total beginner, the monitor would likely in reality be fazed out a lot more as light would blind the camera/eyes view, and have more ā€œglassā€ reflection etc, as far as I know. I remember having to shut the curtains to play the console because daylight screen issues or eye issues. Also the plane looks as if it is outside :slight_smile:
Nice layout though.

Buen trabajo, imagen muy americana de un cuarto de un adolescente, solo falto la pizza y la coca-cola