"Now where did this come from?"

My 2nd practice in taking a picture and changing it into 3D.

Once again, modelled in Blender, and textured and painted in Substance Painter (apart form the gumballs).

Apart from a few bad UV seams around the place, I’m happy with it, but I’d appreciate any critique.

Yay: I did a behind the scenes of this project on Blendernation.com. You can read more about it here!

Based off the artwork ‘Memories’ by Matt Dixon.



I like the model, but feel the shadows around the feet are not strong enough and they leave the model ‘floating’.

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Thanks Bart! I’m still not heaps experienced in lighting, but I didn’t want the model to be too dark. I guess I sacrificed the shadow for brightness.

I’ll remember it for next time.

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Cute, joyful and funny. Love it!

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Thanks Bart!

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