NP Station

“320 downloads”,… we are unique :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you for this addon @Okavango.

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Hi guys,
published cad like transform free addon
The addon provide powerfull move / rotate / scale using pure python based snap, and overcome most of current transform.translate based snapping limitations.


We can port it, for sure, but we are already tired of having snaps as an addons.
This is not an option. Not this time.

As this is the case, and you expressed no interest in maintaining the code, would you mind if the addon is removed from Blender’s addon_contrib repository? I was looking into it in light of the upcoming API change for Scene.ray_cast(), but it seems that the addon hasn’t even been updated for earlier changes. Alternatively, of course someone else could take over maintenance and make sure things stay compatible with Blender.

Yes, of course Sybren, you can remove it.
Thank you for keeping it this long in the first place, and thanks to all of you guys for bringing this marvelous piece of software to us.

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Hi @sybren, I always wonder why many useful things in this add-on [e.g. NP-point move ] is NEVER adopted into current Blender???
Especially Point-to-point Snap feature like NP_point_move in this add-on was so useful not only for architect but all kind of artists!! IMHO. Even the current Blender’s built-in snap tools [auto-snap nearest point] can’t match it and SUCKS many times!..


Read through the topic and you will find an answer. Meanwhile, check this one: CAD Like transform

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That’s a question to ask the original authors of those add-ons. Why don’t they keep working on it? I can’t answer that for them.

Although in this case, the Blender Foundation publicly stating they were going to integrate tools similar to these, and then hiring someone to do it probably has something to do with it as well!
Here’s hoping Germano Cavalcante can pick the project up again soon.


Hi Sybren,
i’m pretty sure Inpow was asking about making tools similar to these integrated into core Blender.