NPR cell shading 2D style rendering wanted

Hi Everyone, I`m new to blender and really enjoyed learning the interface and basic modelling through youtube and other paid sources. My main goal at the moment is modelling with NPR style looks. I came across this software 10 years ago for 3dsMax.

which creates some really nice animatable 2D cell shading styles.

I have seen some amazing realistic renderings with Evee and Cycles, but not sure how they go for this style of work. Can I do this NPR style natively in Blender?


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I would search around BSE there are a lot of questions about toon shaders. I am sure one of them will be close to what you want.

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THankyou :slight_smile:

Moved from ā€œGeneral Forums > Blender and CG Discussionsā€ to ā€œSupport > Lighting and Renderingā€

Thanks Fweeb !

There are two Japanese guys working on NPR nodes for 2.8ā€™s eevee.
I donā€™t know when this will be intergrated to official build. (or, maybe never?)

Hey this is great to hear thanks for the news, looking forward to it, i`m sure it will be good :slight_smile:

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Yep I wish blender had more NPR stuff.

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And, also devs should listen to NPR users more.

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IIRCā€¦ with OSL can be done

that plugin I posted for 3dmax is really good! and its been around for years, and I remember back in 2000 there was a plug called ā€œillustrateā€ for 3ds as well that was a great cartoon shader. I guess with limited resources and focus it will take some time, but im confident well get there. keep up the hope :slight_smile:

I havenā€™t tried this renderer, and Iā€™m not sure if it will work with 2.79, but there is something called Jot you can try: (blender wiki entry for the exporter)

The sourcecode for it: (original code from when it was abandoned and GPLed) (newer github where someone tried to modernize it, but abandoned it as well)

Well anyway, I havenā€™t tried it, but playing around with it might be worthwhile. To my knowledge, no one is currently developing it though. Maybe with some luck a developer might take on the project in the future.

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wow thanks for that, the renderings are very natural looking, I like the more anime style of the 3dmax plugin but that was really cool how good it was at picking up the natural media look.

Yes, i havenā€™t used that renderer, but it looks like it has some good features built into it. The foundation hasnā€™t given up on NPR, it just wasnt a target for the code quest. There are some patches for NPR shading being worked on by outside devs for eevee, and a google summer of code student plans to work on freestyle line rendering. Hopefully a developer who is interesting in this field will eventually work on adding features from this to blender. I would like to see grease pencil lines turned into line styles for objects in the future.

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First step for NPR in eeveeā€¦done.


I just need a way to control the final color, like in the deprecated blender internal, is that too much to ask? no everyone do Realism

Sadly, majority of blender users use realism, and want PBR not NPR.

Controlling final color is indeed important in cel shading, but devs, usersā€¦ they donā€™t understand this at all.

I thought that was the sort of control the new shader to rgb node was supposed to give you. You are supposed to be able to use a color ramp to define the shadow color on the model and stuff like that.

Correct me if I am wrong. Maybe i misunderstood something.

From what it looks like to me, the workflow is you add maybe a diffuse with a single color to a model. You run that node through the shader to rgb node to get an image that is the base color from the diffuse plus the color of the shaded area caused by the lighting. That image can be modified by a color ramp to get a sharp transition between the diffuse color and shaded color. This output can be plugged into an emission shader or whatever you need.