NPR *cell* shading with normal node and vector transform - How to add driver from sun lamp rotation

In my NPR tests and reading I’ve found that I like controlling character shadows with a Normal node setup, much more than standard Shader-RGB.

But, I would like to light/shadow my backgrounds with lamps, not faked shadows.

I am dumb in the area of both vectors and drivers: is there a way to align and drive the Normal node, sphere thing with the rotation of a sun lamp?

*Bonus question incase the answer is quick: I actually don’t understand the point/vector/normal relationships/differences other than playing around. If anyone knows of a manual/video for vector dumb people that’d be amazing.

Thank you in advance!

Between your texture coordinate and your vector transform, add a Mapping node. Change the rotation in that mapping node- it’s XYZ, so it should be simple to drive it from the XYZ of a sun

Side note: what advantages have you found over the shader to RGB method?

Thank you so much!

I basically am preferring it because it makes shader to RGB viable in cycles so I can render BG’s with softer cycles lighting before post paintover/comp, and the character in kinda cell style.

There are probably better ways to do/think about it but that is what came to me in my current project.

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