NPR Test -- Render and Post-Pro

Experimenting with npr today (non photorealistic rendering).
Here’s the render straight out of blender:

And after a bit of photoshop.

What do you think?

Well personally I prefer the one straight out from Blender… did you do this with nodes or what?

Looks great! What are the settings?:slight_smile:

Wire + Nodes:

If you need any further explanations, just ask. :slight_smile:

Thanks blenditall!!
I barely see what are the nodes. If possible full size screen capture, please!
Also what are the sets for the used render layer?
How many lights in the scene?
Is the material something special?

The render is very good so I think it deserves little NPR tutorial on it :smiley:

Looking pretty cool Blenditall! :wink:

Thanks for the comments:).

Syziph: I’ll probably write a tutorial this weekend/next week.
To answer your questions,
No materials used.
One lamp.

Here’s a full size capture:

More details in the upcoming tut;)!