Nuclear power plant

Well, the topic says it all. I started modelling a nuclear power plant


hit the “set smooth” button and render again, then you will get rid of the blocks and the cooling tower and domes will be smooth and more like the cylindrical and spherical shapes you want.

firstly widen the bottoms of your cooling towers they are far to thin and look out of proportion also take away that naughty blue background it kills your model place your moddel on a scale’d plane and get rid of the lights and turn on your AO and put the sampling around 8-9 it will make it look soo much better also yeh hit the set smooth option what totalexodus said dats gud advice hope ive helped!!! l8rz

Ok, so I widened the base of cooling towers, smoothed them, and added AO. I also removed the horrible background color and put the whole thing on a plane


It needs more details but you’ve just started and I’m sure that there will be more details later.

One crit though: So far you have only one reactor building but three cooling towers. That doesn’t make sense. Are you planing to add more reactors?

shouldn’t the reactor core have a crack in it? and shouldnt there be some like dead birds or whatever laying around the base of the cooling towers? and where is that sinister green glow? And, without power lines leaving the building, it looks like it’sa fake cover for an alien starbase. just some thoughts to brighten your day. Good job btw.

I will add more reactors, but I haven’t found any good pots for them yet, maybe on the other side of the building.

The thought has crossed my mind :smiley:

One question: how do you link properties of objects in blender 2.43, so that when you edit one, the others get the same changes.

I added two more reactors, and some more pipes and a little detail.

I think the main structure is pretty much as it’s going to be in the final version, no just some more details.


add a river, power plant without river = to much heat.

add some electricity lines/transformators and stuff

good base model

Somehow it looks more like a toy version of a nuclear power plant. I think that the pipes and those boldts at the base of the reactor make it look small. Those pipes are IMO not needed.

Have a look at a real world nuclear power plant and study the details there.
Here’s a link to a pretty good shot at the nuclear power plant that is located near the place I live:

I think so too, the bolts are actually much too big but otherwise it looks great

looking good mate just add more detail and get some texturing in there and scale the whole thing up then follow this grass tut then your plant will look pretty cool…:yes: hope ive helped mate need anymore help private message me.

select an object, then click Add New in the Materials panel. Change the settings and click the little auto / car icon near the name and Blender will auto-matically name the material for you.

Then, right-click select a different object. In the Materials panel, instead of clicking Add New, click the up-down selector to the left of the Add New. The popup list will show the existing material, and if you click on it, that material is linked to that second object. The number 2 will show up next to the name of the material to let you know there are two objects using that material

This is done EVERYWHERE in blender. everywhere you see an updown selector, it means you can link that property to that object. You can even share meshes. For example, if you wanted each of your three reactors to be the same mesh, in the Edititng panel, click the up-down arrow next to ME: (Mesh) and you will see how you can change an object to use or link to any other mesh. coolness. enjoy!

RogerWickes: maybe I wasn’t so clear about what I meant. What I meant was that at least in earlier versions of blender I could have 4 cubes linked together so that when I moved a vertice in one, the same vertice would move in the other three.

Anyway, I scaled down the size of the bolts, and added windows and a tower with a parabolic antenna.

I also added a river, no water yet though. What would be the best/easiest way to make water? Should I use the fluid simulator or could I make a plane with some fractal subdivision to simulate some sort of movement?


yes, that is mesh sharing, exactly what I talked about above. if you share a mesh between objects, editing one mesh copy affects all other users, because it’s the same mesh, just at a different place and orientation (the location and rotation are per object).

ok, thank you. In earlier versions it was just a key kombination, but apparently that has changed :slight_smile:


the key combo is still available: [Alt-D] for linked copies, [Shift-D] for independent ones.


It’s looking good:) There’s still a bit of a scale issue - those bolts need to be TINY compared to the rest of the model - but the windows and suchlike are helping fix this:yes:
As for water, well, if it’s just a still picture than go with a displaced plane - decent-looking fluid sims take hours to calculate and take up terrabytes of space;)

I made the bolts even smaller, and I also added some power lines, let me know what you think of them, because I’m not sure I should keep them.


Made the powerlines more realistic
