NURBS -> Mesh -> Needs Face

I apologize if this is really simple, I tried searching and nothing I found worked.

Ok, so I decided to play around with NURBS a little bit tonight. I built a simple logo out of NURBS curves. Then I joined them all, and converted them into a mesh so now I have a whole bunch of vertices. I can extrude these just fine to add depth to the model … but I cannot figure out how to fill in the model. I need to add a face to the front of the model, but add Face, fill, nothing seems to be working?

Help! :frowning:

Thanks in advance!!

Hi - not sure if I am missing something with what you have already tried, but I can’t otherwise figure out what might be going on.

Are you sure that you have closed your NURBS curve? You do this by pressing ‘c’ key when you are ready to join the beginning and end points of your curve. This should automatically fill in your NURBS curve with a light grey shading as shown in the pic attached ‘NURBSWITHFACE’ (step 2) so that when you extrude you will have your faces drawn.
If you are not pressing ‘c’ to close then your vertices will not be in a closed curve and will look something like ‘NURBSWITHOUTFACE’ when extruded.

Could this be what you are doing?


Okay, from what you are showing me, it looks like I might have built this thing incorrectly to begin with. Basically I just duplicated the curves and then joined them; and it seems that this might be the root of my problem.

How did you add more points to your curve? I tried ctrl-lmb like with adding points on meshes, but that didn’t work.

Ighman - using Ctrl + J to join objects only joins them in the sense that they are one object and so if you were to go into edit mode you’d see all the vertices from what was all the previous objects. Or if you scale or rotate or whatever, all the previous objects which are now one object will be affected by the manipulation. Joining in this way will not create edges or faces between your objects and make them seamless. So yes you will need to go back and rethink how you did it.

One way to add more points to your curve is to select an end point and press ‘e’ then move your mouse and the point will follow. Left click when you want to place that point. Press ‘e’ again to continue adding points. If you are not liking your shape, go back and select any point on the curve and press ‘g’ to move it around. When you think you are finished press ‘c’ to close your curve. Even with the curve closed you can still move points around and you will now see your shape shaded in with grey move according to your liking. If you realize you want to add more points somewhere to get smaller detail, select two points and press ‘w’ then subdivide. this will add a point inbetween the two points you selected. now you can move this point around. play around with these ideas, and you will get the gist and be able to create your logo in no time.

Ah okay, thank you for the explanation! I was actually trying to use ‘e’ at one point, but was clicking on the curves end point it self, not the handle at the end of the curve.

The only problem I am having is in closing the curve. Whenever I hit ‘c’ I get a little paintbrush like circle on the screen and nothing else happens. Maybe because I am using 2.5?

Thank you again for all your help!!! :smiley:

Hey Ighman -

I don’t have 2.5 running here, so I was not sure why it wouldn’t work for you, but then I found this thread which should help you solve your problem:

Looks like if you deselect the 3D button, it should work. See pic.

Let us know if that works for you. It sounds like it is something to do with 2.5.

This thread also shows what 2.5 c key is now used for.


Yeah, still can’t get it to work. I found the 2D/3D selector, but with the C key remapped can’t get it to close the curve. In the thread you linked it said that it was changed to CTRL-numpad(.), but being on a laptop that doesn’t really help me right now. :wink:

So then I decided that “close” should come up searching from the spacebar menu, but it doesn’t. Next I thought I would just remap the key, but I can’t find it in the user preferences either. NURBS curves hate me, that is my conclusion. :smiley:

Seriously though, I need to really search the user preferences I guess to see if I can remap that key. I can’t understand though why “close” doesn’t bring up any results … the command is for closing curves. Even “curves” doesn’t show the command … wonder if it’s not in this build? :spin:


Well not having migrated to 2.5 I am at a loss with what to tell you to do. Maybe someone else here with 2.5 could help you out.

Just wanted to do some modeling in Blender 2.5 and I am having the same issue. My bezier curves are definitely closed but it doesn’t fill it. I guess this functionality is simply missing at the moment?

i tried the Ctrl numpad . and it’s not closing the bezier poly curve in 2D

so anybody knows how to close the curve in latest 2.5?

and is there a panel somehwere giving this command too ?


draw ur nurbs, in edit mode, on the 3d view window, CURVE>toggle cyclic…or simple press ALT+C

there u are, u choose the direction between U or V