Object disappearing in texture paint mode, there in edit mode

Link to videos of problem: https://imgur.com/a/41qLROy & https://imgur.com/a/JoMUi3y

I’ve tried hitting Alt H, I’ve tried opening in version 3.6 instead, but no matter what i do this happens. When I switch to textured or weighted paint modes the select

I have no idea what you are doing there, it looks as if you have the image as plane or reference and you still have a texture applied from somewhere on the character…

It is better if you select your character in the 3d viewport and then enter the Texture Space so that you have all the tools ready, and it is easy for us to see what is going on…
How are you trying to paint?
Can you share the Blend File?
I think that would be the best way for use to be able to see what’s happening.

bunny_safety.blend (3.1 MB)
I’m very new to this and was following a tutorial. I do have a reference image, but I was selecting the boy mesh and it highlights in the 3d view in object mode, but when i switch to texture paint it goes away. I’m trying to use the second reference image (the opaque one on the right) to sample the colors and bucket fill the objects. This is the tutorial I’m following

Do Alt+H in the edit.
Some of them are meant to be hidden.

I didn’t have that problem but of course I am opening it for the first time so it might have display all unlike what you had…

That said, there are many problems with the mesh itself, like duplicated geometry mesh edges that didn’t join, and vertices that ended up flipped on the axis when modeled with the mirror modifier so instead of having a quad it was a dis-connected plotting set of triangles ( back of the model) …

The lower body is clipping through the clothing but that can be fixed with a sculpt Grab or Elastic Deform brush…and either pull the clothes away or press the body inside…

I re-did the UV ( I made a single UV map and Image for all of the bunny’s parts)
They were all overlapping and those other problems above made a mess of the UV’s

bunny_safety-Cleaned.blend (3.6 MB) Blender 4.1 File

thank you so much for taking the time to help me!

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@zsheram I had same issue when switching to texture paint mode, and it is because the alpha is set zero while creating the image texture. It can be solved by filling the image with random color with paint bucket tool or by going to Image Editor window>Click ‘N’ to open the properties tab on right>Go to Alpha drop down>Select ‘None’. This should solve it.