Object fade in and out looks grainy

Hi there! I have a character that I want to fade in and out of my scene. For this, I followed a tutorial that said to mix the shader with a transperancy shader and increase the factor to 1 when it’s fully transparent. The tutorial said to use alpha blend but when I did, it competely fucked my toon shader so I decided to use alpha hashed. When I do this method and render, it looks really grainy mid fade:

I understand alpha hashed uses noise, which is why this is happening. Is there a way I can fix it, or is there a way I can make alpha blend work? Here is what it looks like with alpha blend and what its supposed to look like:

What its supposed to look like:

What Alpha Blend looks like:


You’ve got a couple options.

If you just want your setup as is to be less noisy, increase the number of samples.
16 samples <----> 256 samples


For a more robust / flexible solution, look into doing your transparency effect in compositing, rather than trying to do it all in render.