Object in viewport is an indistinct grey after rendering

my project turn to this after rendering it

You need a light in your scene- press Shift A, go the light submenu, and pick one

i already have one

Increase the brightness or move it closer

nothing changed

i have this problem only in eevee and cycle render engine , in the cycle it shows like this

in workbench it look like this , and that’s what i want but in eevee render engine

Share your node tree for the material, and seriously, turn the power of your light up. Start with 200

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That looks like you have no HDRI connected, but have Scene World checked and Scene Lights unchecked.

Workbench doesn’t care about HDRIs so you see something.


Sorry, I should have added how to fix that – unchecking Scene World should work immediately, because you will get light from the default background colour.

If you also check Scene Lights, your point light will work too.

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this is my second acount ,blender artist says that i reached the maximum reply for a new user , however thank you so much for your help i spend last night searching for this in tutorials but i didn’t found anything helpful

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This sort of thing is really difficult to solve for a beginner; Blender has so many options that one can accidentally turn on or off with a random key press. Glad we could help!

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thank you men :heart:

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