Object Material Changes when joined

I would like to have the material look the same when joining the objects together but trying to tinker each setting to make it be the same before I joined is confusing. I appreciate your help

The material uses Generated texture coordinates which means the texture is sized according to bounding box of an object.

Here is an example with gradient texture that uses Generated texture coordinates. Individual objects have their own bounding boxes.

When you join them into one object it results one bounding box for all of them. Therefore, texture gets stretched.

So, I think you can try to bake textures of all objects to one big texture, join them and then apply baked texture. Here is how to bake texture for multiple objects:

Otherwise, you can just leave objects separeted and try to come up with another way of grouping them (if that was your goal of joining them to one object). For example, you can parent them to one empty.

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Thank you for taking your time to respond. I wanted to use the plant as an asset and figured it would be easier to place by joining them instead of having the separate petals in a collection but seeing how much time it takes to do this for each plant, I will just keep it the way it is and in a collection

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