Object polygon count in Blender?

What is the quickest way to see the polycount of a selected object?

In 2.79, i was using a great little add on called Mesh Summary https://github.com/sambler/addonsByMe/blob/master/mesh_summary.py

It would add an info box under the Scene tab, allowing you to filter by selection, visibility, and you could even see the impacts of any modifiers.

Sadly, the add on is not compatible with 2.8.

Disregarding for the moment the fact that this should have been built into Blender years ago, is there another way to see this information in 2.8?

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When you’re in edit mode, you can see polycount of that object (See low bar). You can see that in 2.79 as well.

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Oh, right. I forgot about that. I find that so cumbersome I almost never use it.

At least now in 2.8 you can multi-edit objects, so perhaps this will be more useful.

Thanks for the reminder!

I wonder if anyone is aware of any other add-ons similar to the Mesh Summary add-on?


See if it works.

mesh_summary_2_80.py (6.8 KB)


Works like a charm! Thanks a million, AFWS :smiley:

The Blender community warms my heart.

@AFWS The script no longer works in the latest build of 2.80.

Is there an easy fix for this?

I updated the file in the above post.

It was because they changed

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Thanks again!

can this be run in the text editor in 2.8 ?

I get these errors

Fragment shader failed to compile with the following errors:
ERROR: 4:5984: error(#143) Undeclared identifier: world_normals_get
ERROR: 4:5984: error(#202) No matching overloaded function found: world_normals_get
ERROR: 4:6001: error(#202) No matching overloaded function found: world_normals_get
ERROR: 4:6002: error(#143) Undeclared identifier: node_bsdf_glossy
ERROR: 4:6002: error(#202) No matching overloaded function found: node_bsdf_glossy
ERROR: 4:6005: error(#202) No matching overloaded function found: world_normals_get
ERROR: 4:6006: error(#202) No matching overloaded function found: node_bsdf_glossy
ERROR: 4:6007: error(#143) Undeclared identifier: node_bsdf_transparent
ERROR: 4:6007: error(#202) No matching overloaded function found: node_bsdf_transparent
ERROR: 4:6008: error(#202) No matching overloaded function found: world_normals_get
ERROR: 4:6009: error(#143) Undeclared identifier: node_bsdf_refraction
ERROR: 4:6009: error(#202) No matching overloaded function found: node_bsdf_refraction
ERROR: 4:6010: error(#202) No matching overloaded function found: world_normals_get
ERROR: error(#273) 13 compilation errors. No code generated

happy bl

@RickyBlender What would be the advantage of running it in the text editor?

I don’t want to install it
just run it when I need to as a simple script in the text editor
otherwise I would end up with 100’s of scripts LOL

is it possible to run it as individual script in text editor
or only after I install it ?

happy bl

Was wondering if I could ask a quick question about this addon,
From what I understand this is being run every draw call because it’s running from a panel, so it is counting all the verts in the scene every draw call?
I made an addon a while ago that does the same thing but it just has an update button and prints out the values to a panel (because im a newbie coder and I was scared of wasting resources counting verts every draw call).
Am I completely wrong, if you don’t mind explaining :slight_smile:
Thank you very much in advance

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@AFWS I really like your script! Is there a way to modify it to include edge and face count when including the modifiers??

I am new in Blender and I really don’t understand how to use this add on, or better, I installed it but I can’t find it in the UI. Maybe a little explanation about how does it work would be great…

for 2.9 will this work

For 2.9, the viewport stats work well enough for me.

turn on statistics and isolate using forward slash “/”
select multiple objects and it will sum up all the verts, tri count etc.
You can use isolation by Shift + h but when you Alt + h you’ll unhide all objects, not usefull if you have hidden objects or collections that you don’t want to unhide