Object turned ''white'' in ''texture paint mode'' unable to paint further

Hi there!

I am busy texture painting the wings of an airplane. It all went well, but then suddenly something very strange happened. In the attached pictures you can see two wings. It is still possible to paint on the top wing, but the one at the bottom suddenly turned ‘‘white’’ when selected in texture paint mode, and I am unable to continue painting on it. I made a start, but now I cannot continue.

I hope you can tell me what went wrong and if I can fix it. I was painting away merrily, then closed blender to open other blender files and when I returned - this is what I found.
I tried but cannot upload the file…sorry, maybe to big or some other problem.

Thanks for you time

Looks like you went into edit mode, selected some faces, then went back into texture pain mode and clicked on the Paint Mask button.
Just click on it again to switch it off.

Good luck.


Thank you. You solved the problem. :smile: I guess it was something very basic, but I could not work it out.

Thanks for your time

Time and time again this wonderful Blenderartist community help me when I stumble. Thanks again

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