Is it possible to make an object dictate a material transition animation?
I have three different sized and shaped objects, represented by the 3 icospheres in hte first screenshot. Each icosphere has 2 materials applied to it, top half no white, bottom half blue.
Is it possible to animate these 3 objects through a plane, and have that plane take on the material at the position where each object transitions through it? Eg. The icosphere will animate to pass through the plane, when the blue section passes through the plane, the plane will then show a small surrounding boarder in the same shape of the object.
(represented by the circle empty in the second screenshot).
Similar to what you would imagine a cartoon ghost passing through a wall…if you can imagine that.
Each icosphere/object will need to animate independently.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, I have not been able to either find tutorials or know what to search to find some help. Thanks