So, I made a game character and clothes for the character. However the clothes act strange
during runtime. The problem is when the game is running some game objects are not visible from certain angles.
Below are some images to help illustrate what I am saying.
The first picture displays the character in the design phase and that is how
it is suppose to look.
The second picture displays the character during the game for some reason part of the
character’s clothes disappear during runtime.
The third picture displays the same character during runtime, but from a different angle.
Note: I am using Blender 2.86a.
Thanks Any Help and Solutions will be greatly appreciated.
I think Brunfunstudios is referring to using Control + N to make the normals consistent in edit mode. I wouldn’t disable backface culling, as then you’re drawing basically twice the number of polygons. Use backface culling only when you know you need it (i.e. you’ll be looking at both the back and front of a face at different times).
Just wondering… are the objects that are disappearing at certain angles in the far background? If there is a camera being used, increase the clipping end setting. Objects could be disappearing because they are exceeding the end clipping distance.
Thanks Professor Monster I did as you said but it also didn’t work,
I even tried changing the texture format from PNG to JPEG but it also did not work.
The effect looks like a face sorting issue. I know of two situations causing that.
A) on semi- transparent faces (alpha) as I mentioned above. The effect is face/ object based.
B) large z-buffer steps which happens when using large far clipping planes. In this situation, the effect is pixel based rather than face based.
Therfore I guessed it is situation A.
I know of situations when armature skin pbject completely disappear. This seems not the situation I can see on the above images. If you still want to check, there is a link in the FAQ section of my signatures guide link. Currently it is a bit hard for me to post the direct link.
Thanks for your help everyone I really appreciate it.
The problem has been solved, I unchecked the transparency tab in the materials panel it looks like a good solution for the time being.
Thanks again.
If the BGE ever decides to create an encyclopedia On the BGE It seems they should name it after Pro Monster