Observatory balcony

Another image made in Blender, rendered in cycles. Autor of the concept is Andrea Susini.

Great texture and grass. How you did to render the grass in cycles?
Good work, i liked the style. ^^

Thanks for message. Rendering grass in Cycles is actually really easy. I modelled a bunch of grass leaves as one model and aplied texture on it. Then I used particle system but instead of dots I used my named object. In fact I did a tutorial and it’s posted on my Youtube channel. So if you want to see (because my tut is in czech language) feel free to click on this link>


Thanks for the post. If you want to see how I did the grass in cycles you can see it on my Youtube channel> http://youtu.be/Xsei0rHiQbo

It’s in czech language but I think you’ll understand how I did it.

Haha, thank you, I really thought that you used this method but I asked cause you could used other method that I don’t know, but, thank you by the reply! Again, nice render. (: