Occupy Earth!

I’m going to break all the rules: I’m going to talk about politics, in the context of religion!

Here’s the reading for today, the thirtieth Sunday in ordinary time:

@SkyMan: Mmmmm. Amen, brother SkyGuy. Amen. Hallelujah. Amen. Speak it, brother!
Hide not your light under a bushel.

What is wrong with this quote?

My wrath will flare up, and I will kill you with the sword;
then your own wives will be widows, and your children orphans.

If he cries out to me, I will hear him; for I am compassionate.
I’m not even going to bother commenting…

Can we possibly get a Thread Messiah Card for threads that are doomed so that, during the terrifying fire and the Four Mods of the Apocalypse, the Thread Messiah shall Return and Rapture us all up?
I vote the Thread Messiah should be Sanne, pronounced Yoshua. Just as the mouth of the underworld shall upon up, yea, She shall appear in Heavenly Splendor with Pat Robertson and wing us away upon a chariot of fire. With flaming pies.

I just listened to Michelle Bachman spending the day on the ending of the Iraq War, furious with the President on TV because Iraq isn’t going to pay us a TON of cash for invading them.
I’m pretty much willing to entertain any notion with a dazed and open mind at this point. :smiley:

Any notion indeed. I presume, judging by your location, you bought into the whole sovereign republics nonsense?

Alright, let’s see if we can get this thread back on track. I was hoping I could get away with casually breaking the rules without actually doing damage, but this is clearly getting off-topic.

So, what should be done about banks then?

Where are Mel Gibson and Russel Crowe to dish out some spankings when you need them?
(@SkyMan: It’s actually more of an ironic joke about the idiocy of the attitude of our governor here than anything else…)

Who’s Endi?
Judas Iscariot - ‘Oh nay, for there art too many features for a True Blender…’
Pontius Pilatus - ‘I wash my hands of this here Forum…’

Thread run out of steam - Closed