Ocean Modifiers + Displacement = Beach Modifier

So I wanted to make something new with the Ocean Modifier.
Mix it up with few displacements and other modifiers and vola! you have a ocean modifier that hits the shore line. Still maybe few tweaks that could make it better but for now I´m satishified with this RND period.

Also works quite well with array and curve modifiers if you want to make longer beaches.


Outstanding man! Can you teach us with tutorial if it possible? It really useful and needed stuff for me! Thanks! :wink:

It is impressive!

The last thing you need: add sand drag. That would be super-realistic!

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Very inspiring ani scene. I wondered how to get more flexibility to ocean modifier.

Thanks. Maybe tutorial someday!

Hi! This is amazing and exactly what I’m looking for!
Would you still be interested in making that tutorial or possibly even sell it? Would be so nice to be able to do this!