Need to know how to achieve that effect of the foam splashing against rocks. Any tips appreciated. I can make a more detailed post later but I’m on my phone currently.
It’s for my current project (link in sig) if that helps.
Use the above tutorial which goes over floater, tracer and drop particles.
Also, in your domain properties set Fluid Boundry/Subdivisions to 2 and then play with the Fluid Particles setting in the Fluid domain as well.
Be sure to have a decently high fluid resolution as well.
Edit: looking at your project in your sig, is it an ocean modifier you are using? You might have to switch to a fluid simulation instead and go with the rout I suggested above. I haven’t worked with the ocean modifier so I’m not sure if you can even create particles/splashes with it or not…
But also … temper this with questions about just how much “physically correct detail” is needed to “sell the shot.” If this is a static shot of a sea-scape, then may I cautiously suggest that anything approximating sea-foam … whether built from a simulation or simply sculpted by hand and (maybe) softened … ought to be “good enough.”
(Gasp?! Is he seriously suggesting “faking it?!”) Yup.
For a video of the same thing, a simulation from a few camera angles (place all the cams, then film the same simulation), should do the trick … and it need only be for a few “close-up” frames. CUT TO: the hard stuff only just-long enough to impress XXX your friends at BA XXX your audience XXX, then cut away.
It is an ocean modifier, which I really need as it is how I am doing the surface foam. I have tried smoke simulation and particle systems, but I’m not quite sure how to set them up. I was able to get the best results with the smoke simulator and a volume scatter material but it looked a bit off.