Ocean View Living Room

Blender v2.68 / Cycles / 1500 samples

Hi everyone,

Here’s my finished living room scene, that looks decidedly different than my 2BR apartment, which has a view of a brick wall. There are still several things I’m not totally happy with, but at my current skill level, this is about what I can produce. Always looking to improve, so please don’t hesitate to criticize, even though this is in the “Finished Projects” thread.

Thanks to everyone who gave me feedback on my WIP thread. I tried to incorporate all of your suggestions in to the final render. As for the long walk up the staircase from the beach, I decided that the owner simply has his butler do the carrying!

The reference:


There’s like no difference…

Teach me, master…

I love it , the ocean is awesome
excellent work

Ha! Thanks - believe it or not, after it was pointed out to me, I intentionally changed the camera angle, since duplicating the position in the reference made split-level floor difficult to discern. Now all I have to do is figure out a way to drum the 3 or 4 million $ that it would take to buy this place :smiley: