OctaneRender™ Blender 4.0 plugin version 2023.1.2 - 28.14 [STABLE] released

@alekba, @AndreasResch: Personally I think Cycles SSS looks better than LuxCore SSS, at least it’s easier to control.

I happen to have just started an SSS thread at the LuxCoreRender forum, comparing the same scene rendered in LuxCore and Cycles.

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:slightly_smiling_face: Every morning I install the latest Blender alpha version. It’s switching between two different installed Blender versions that causes incompatibility issues (2.92 functions that aren’t yet there in 2.83) and the hassle of having to install multiple add-ons into each version.

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Hi, thank you for taking the time, it was exactly what I want to read.
A complete subjective small article. :smiley:
I use Octane since alpha 0.9 and it is growing in possibilities but also gets really complicated.
It is really a different thing to work with a software for years or jump in from scratch.

Cheers, mib

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Note: you must have a Enterprise or Studio license to test the experimental versions

We are happy to share our fifth experimental build of Octane 2020.2. As with all experimental software please do not use this for production purposes.

This release includes a few new features that will be part of the final 2020.2 release in addition to some changes the new compositing system as well as a number of bug fixes including some of those that have been reported by you in previous 2020.2 XB builds. There are still some outstanding issues that could not make it to this release but we are making good progress and they should be coming in the next one. Thank you all for your support.

Should you find any issues with this release please report using this thread so we can make sure we provide you with the best feedback.

Make sure to use a NVIDIA Studio driver with version at least 456.38 on Windows or 455.23 on Linux to use this version. No driver updates are required for macOS 10.13 (CUDA).

This version supports the new NVIDIA Ampere architecture on Windows and Linux. Kepler cards with compute model lower than 3.5 are just supported on macOS.

Changes since OctaneRender 2020.2 XB4:

New features:

  • Numeric input text boxes support pi, π as input values.

  • Added new built-in texture nodes:

    • Channel pick: generates a texture output by selecting one channel from an input texture.
    • Channel merge: generates a texture output by using an input texture for each RGB channel.
    • Ray type pick: generates a texture output which evaluates as one of the inputs according to the type ray being computed.
    • Channel invert: generates a texture output allowing to invert the input texture RGB channels.
    • Channel map: generates a texture output as a permutation (potentially with repetitions) of the input texture RGB channels.
  • Added Composite texture layer node which generates composite layer given an input texture and one of the provided blending modes.

  • Added Gain, Exposure and Mask inputs to Color correction texture node.


  • Fixed application crash when using a mix material containing a volume medium.
  • Fixed application crash when a geometric primitive connected to a scatter node was changed.
  • Fixed application crash when connecting a composite AOV to composite layer mask.
  • Fixed application crash when using the same input in multiple pins with the new scattering nodes.
  • Fixed issue causing AI light not to work correctly.
  • Fixed vertex displacement not being applied on any geometry.
  • Fixed random walk SSS appearing to be noisy when used with coating in some scenarios.
  • Fixed issue causing plugins to not to be able to activate.
  • Fixed issue that would cause displaying the wrong GUI component for bit mask nodes without a destination.
  • Fixed issue causing the comp entry in the render view component to remain after deleting the composite AOV node.
  • Fixed motion vector pass not honouring the provided maximum speed.
  • Fixed issue with null material causing it to show brighter than the environment.

Other changes:

  • The new compositing system has been partially reworked to simplify the way nodes are arranged according to your feedback.

OctaneRender™ for Blender plugin. Windows version only. The download links, provided on this page, are for Enterprise License Holders.

OctaneRender Studio subscribers can access their software from the “Downloads” section of their Customer Account Page.


  • Upgraded to 2.90.1
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I’m appreciating Octane Render more as I continue working with it.

Here’s my second Octane rendering:

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Hi, Octane support Big Sur and Apple M1 coming!
Otoy development really speed up last few month.

Cheers, mib

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Nice. I’m curious how fast Octane renders on the new Apple chipset.

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… and support for Big Navi in Octane X
… and hardware raytracing support for Big Navi is on the TODO list

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Note: Only users with a Enterprise or Studio license can test the RC versions.

We are happy to share our first release candidate build of Octane 2020.2. Note this is is still not a production build so please do not use this for production purposes.

This release includes now all features which will be part of the final 2020.2 stable release. This includes fixes from issues you reported in previous builds as well as some functional updates according to your feedback. Note there are still some fixes could not make it to this release but we are making good progress and they should be coming before this goes into production. Thank you all for your support.

Should you find any issues with this release please report using this thread so we can make sure we provide you with the best feedback.

Make sure to use a NVIDIA Studio driver with version at least 456.38 on Windows or 455.23 on Linux to use this version. No driver updates are required for macOS 10.13 (CUDA).

This version supports the new NVIDIA Ampere architecture on Windows and Linux. Kepler cards with compute model lower than 3.5 are just supported on macOS.

Changes since OctaneRender 2020.2 XB5:

New features:

  • Added new built-in texture node Chaos texture which generates a texture output by generating a tiling pattern from an input texture.


  • Fixed potential application crash when using composite AOV nodes.
  • Fixed issue causing incorrect results when using absorption medium in the environment.
  • Fixed issue causing mediums to render incorrectly with nested dielectrics.
  • Fixed issue with surface and volume scatter nodes not being applied in some cases.
  • Fixed issue with adaptive sampling when using shadow catcher stopping while the result is still noisy.
  • Fixed normals on the hyperboloid geometric primitive.
  • Fixed issue causing the local application data to be saved in an incorrect folder on Linux.

Other changes:

  • Application settings specify RTX disabled by default.
  • Renamed Ray type pick texture to Ray switch.
  • Default inputs for Ray switch are now set to 1.
  • Composite texture layers are arranged in groups in the composite texture node.

Note: You have to have an Enterprise or Studio license to test RC versions.

We are happy to share our second release candidate build of Octane 2020.2. Note this is is still not a production build so please do not use this for production purposes.

This release includes now all features which will be part of the final 2020.2 stable release. This includes fixes from issues you reported in previous builds as well as some functional updates according to your feedback. Note we are keeping track of all your reports but there are still some fixes could not make it to this release, we are making good progress and they should be coming before this goes into production. Thank you all for your support.

Should you find any issues with this release please report using this thread so we can make sure we provide you with the best feedback.

Make sure to use a NVIDIA Studio driver with version at least 456.38 on Windows or 455.23 on Linux to use this version. No driver updates are required for macOS 10.13 (CUDA).

This version supports the new NVIDIA Ampere architecture on Windows and Linux. Kepler cards with compute model lower than 3.5 are just supported on macOS.

Changes since OctaneRender 2020.2 RC1:

New features:

  • Added Resolution pin to Chaos texture which specifies the resolution used to sample the input texture.
  • Added Clamp pin to Composite texture which specifies whether it should clamp the result of blending each layer to [0,1].


  • Fixed composite AOV updates not working except when using a composite AOV node.
  • Fixed issue causing autobump map in vertex displacement to not to work when using sheen with glossy materials.
  • Fixed error in the network render node.

Other changes:

  • Renamed Channel invert texture to Channel inverter and moved into Texture > Utility sub-category.
  • Renamed Channel map texture to Channel mapper and moved into Texture > Utility sub-category.
  • Renamed Channel merge texture to Channel merger and moved into Texture > Utility sub-category.
  • Renamed Channel pick texture to Channel picker and moved into Texture > Utility sub-category.
  • Moved Chaos texture into Texture > Mapping sub-category.
  • Moved Composite texture into Texture > Utility sub-category.
  • Moved Ray switch texture into Texture > Utility sub-category.
  • Moved Spotlight texture into Texture > Utility sub-category.
  • Reordered the blend modes in the Composite texture to match that used in other software packages.
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I recently paid for the subscription to Octane X. I had to wait for the “Big Sur” edition on-count of only having an AMD polaris card; which is now enabled. Also, Octane X is only for the stand alone version right now, with the Octane X Blender plug-in coming soon.
Jules has already tweeted that the Octane X for Apple silicon is up and running and will be released soon.

Couple of initial thoughts on Octane X Stand alone:
-Holy smokes there are a lot of options, almost overwhelming for a render engine; but I know that’s what serious render artist want. Blender too was overwhelming at first, but I can pretty confidently work and find my way around it now.

-Holy smokes it’s fast. At least what I’m use to with my meager 580. Also load (BVH recalculations) between animation frames was pretty dang quick.

-Standalone OX is kind of slowdown for my work flow, having to export a scene from Blender to OX then reapply a lot of the materials. Would love to get my hands on the OX Blender plug in when it comes out.

-Renders look really really good. But so does Cycles :slight_smile:

The Brigade demos made me sit up and pay attention; so much so that I wanted to start wrapping my head around how Octane worked.

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Yeah, Octane is quite an intricate renderer when it comes to options and functions. I also had to study the right camera imager settings, particularly in conjunction with Blender’s color management settings.

That’s also my experience. A very welcome advantage.

I know what you mean. I worked with Keyshot Pro for a few years, exporting scenes from ZBrush and Blender. But then I discovered that if you skip two upgrades, you need to pay the full price again. That meant “Goodbye Keyshot” for me. :smirk:

Yep, and I’m also still a LuxcoreRender fan. Nicely integrated in Blender, open source, great render quality, and since the Cache and CUDA / OptiX implementations it’s reasonably speedy as well. There’s an OpenCL-based macOS version as well.

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Does anyone has a link showing step by step how to download and install the add-on?

Once you’ve registered an Octane user account at Otoy.com, you can head here to download the latest release of the Octane Server and the Octane version of Blender.

:point_right: Note: the Octane user account is a separate login from the forum user account.

Both of the downloads are simple Windows installers. Once installed, run the Octane Server first, then Blender Octane.

You’ll need to enter your Octane user account login and password in a pop-up dialog before being able to use Blender Octane.

In Blender Octane, head to the Preferences to activate the Octane renderer before you can choose it to be the active renderer in the Render Settings.



Thanks a lot Metin! Precious information!

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maybe a stupid question, but what benefits do i have from using octane instsead of cycles?

First of all, both are great and free renderers (in case of Octane it’s free for Blender on Windows at the moment, and with a 1-GPU limit).

Technically, Octane has some advantages over Cycles, because it includes a rendering mode (PMC) that’s more optimized for difficult lighting scenarios, such as interiors and caustics.

To my experience, Octane also renders slightly faster than Cycles. Cycles can be fast with GPU + OptiX activated, and with optimized render settings, but you can also optimize Octane rendering speed.

Octane is also a spectral renderer, while Cycles isn’t, meaning that rendering takes place in a broader color spectrum, which is beneficial for color behaviour from bounced and/or scattered light.

Octane has some more benefits over Cycles, such as a better shadow catcher, instant post-processing effects, and more.

Disadvantages of Octane are:

Cycles is better integrated in Blender, and better supported by the Blender community (scenes, materials, etc.). For example, Octane lacks a Material Preview mode in the viewport.

Octane needs a separate Blender build, which is usually lagging behind the official Blender releases, and particularly behind the latest Blender alpha / beta builds.

Octane also needs a separately activated render server, and as mentioned above the free tier version is restricted to a single GPU.


Thank you for your explanation! Very usefull :slight_smile:


A great plus of Cycles also is the crazy amount of possibilities because of all the nodes you’ve got. Especially randomization is great in Cycles. That never really worked well in Octane (but it’s been a while since I tried it).
And yeah - the fact that Octane requires an extra Blender distribution is a big show-stopper. Same for E-Cycles. I wonder how Renderman will handle this.