Odin tree

Hey its been a while this time I tried something new so I got into simulation and did some fire in manaflow !!!..This is Odin Tree my lates environment concept … this one took me a bit to finish i was going for a nordic gloomy feel… so hope you like it :pray::pray:




Very cool! Would love to experience something like this in VR :slight_smile:


ty you so much :heart_eyes: would love to try but am new in 3d like really new couple of months old so maybe when I get better :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you :pray: have a wonderful weekend

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You’re #featured! :tada:

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This is awesome… the overall mood, the fire, the sparks… wow.

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Wooow thnx so much

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:pray::pray: thank you much appreciated

It looks lovely, I’d love to see a tutorial or a video of creating it.


Amazing mood and grading. I really dig that fog and the blue and teal look with the fire

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What wit… now i recognize your. Your that dude posted this amazing work after just learning Blender… Did you do that tutorial series about those Old Dutch scenes. The scene had that same vibe to it. Not sure you commentd on that question.

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yes I did the tutorials I think I commented and said the on the post before but this project and the one before is all me glad u liked it :laughing:

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sure ill try but it might take me a while if u want to know any specific thing u can dm me and ill do my best to help

Veeeerry moody piece!
Awesome dude, you totally nailed that nordic gloomy feeling!

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:sweat_smile::sweat_smile: thank so much

Great work, congrats. :+1:

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Ty much appreciated!!:pray::pray:

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your this concept is also great
(house in the woods)

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thnx but the house it the woods wasn’t my concept really it was a tutorial that I changed a bit for my taste ,unlike this this is all me ,but thank you

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