First of all I want to say Hallo to the Blender Community.
This is my first Artwork done in Blender. This personal Project is a little bit old
but i thought it is time to share it with the Community.
Sculpting was done half in Zbrush and half in Blender because sometimes its a
pain in the a** to change your workflow^^.
All the Hardsurface-Parts were modeled completely in Blender.
Rendered in B.Cycles and Post in Photoshop.
great mood! I like it!
Just two suggestions: the butterfly wings have all nearly the same angle - it would look more dynamic when the angle changed randomly. Also they could use a little bit motion-blur (as well as the cracking glass tiles).
I really like it.
Yeah I think that you should change the wing angle a bit but good work.
I think it would look great as an album cover or something like that. :rolleyes:
One of the Aims for this Artwork was to create an iconographic Composition. To find a good, smooth and balanced rythm between the middle part and the elements surrounding it. This is the reason why i have relinquished to add extras like motionbluer or more dynamic things to the butterflies cause it should suggest a feeling of peace ( like in space^^).
About the wing angle, yeah you are right. It could have more varaition.
But I am very grateful for the criticisms. Thank you very much.
Welcome and wow! Very nice piece.
I think you were inspired by the book/movie called ‘the butterfly and the diving bell’. Its very similar to your idea. :) Cant say anything bad about it. I love the overall flow of the image.
wow, thank you very much for the 5 Stars!!! And also for the warm welcome.
@AlinB: No, i never heard of this Movie before but I have just watched the trailer and added it to my “must see” List.
I am not able to say where my Inspiration comes from but I felt in Love with Astronauts back in the days when i was working on an Concept for an Album Artwork (what become a Print in the end):