[Off Topic] Post your worst lines of code ever

In a few categories:





(It’s an entry in a dictionary that contains references to another dictionary for a keymapper)


joyS[dictElement[:-1]][int(dictElement[-1:])] = str(joyS[dictElement[:-1]][int(dictElement[-1:])])+key

(joyS is a dictionary of settings, dictElement is a string like ‘roll1’ that indicates an item in the dictionary, and a position in that item. It then appends a single character onto the end from the user’s keyboard.)

By Far, blender institute renderfarm :), (though I cant claim full responsibility).

With Some python experience - you can see the horror of it.

… not my code originally but I worked on making it easier to follow (no kidding, since I had to fix bugs in it!).

/* grow an array by a specified number of items */
#define BLI_array_grow_items(arr, num)  (                                     \
	(((void *)(arr) == NULL) &&                                               \
	 ((void *)(_##arr##_static) != NULL) &&                                   \
	/* dont add _##arr##_count below because it must be zero */               \
	 (_bli_array_totalsize_static(arr) >= _##arr##_count + num)) ?            \
	/* we have an empty array and a static var big enough */                  \
	((arr = (void *)_##arr##_static), (_##arr##_count += (num)))              \
	    :                                                                     \
	/* use existing static array or allocate */                               \
	(LIKELY(BLI_array_totalsize(arr) >= _##arr##_count + num) ?               \
	    (_##arr##_count += num) :  /* UNLIKELY --> realloc */                 \
	    (                                                                     \
	        (void) (_##arr##_tmp = MEM_callocN(                               \
	                sizeof(*arr) * (num < _##arr##_count ?                    \
	                                (_##arr##_count * 2 + 2) :                \
	                                (_##arr##_count + num)),                  \
	                #arr " " __FILE__ ":" STRINGIFY(__LINE__)                 \
	                )                                                         \
	                ),                                                        \
	        (void) (arr && memcpy(_##arr##_tmp,                               \
	                              arr,                                        \
	                              sizeof(*arr) * _##arr##_count)              \
	                ),                                                        \
	        (void) (arr && ((void *)(arr) != (void *)_##arr##_static ?        \
	                (MEM_freeN(arr), arr) :                                   \
	                arr)                                                      \
	                ),                                                        \
	        (void) (arr = _##arr##_tmp                                        \
	                ),                                                        \
	        (_##arr##_count += num)                                           \
	    ))                                                                    \

/* returns length of array */
#define BLI_array_grow_one(arr)  BLI_array_grow_items(arr, 1)

/* appends an item to the array. */
#define BLI_array_append(arr, item)  (                                        \
	(void) BLI_array_grow_one(arr),                                           \
	(void) (arr[_##arr##_count - 1] = item)                                   \

/* appends an item to the array and returns a pointer to the item in the array.
 * item is not a pointer, but actual data value.*/
#define BLI_array_append_r(arr, item)  (                                      \
	(void) BLI_array_grow_one(arr),                                           \
	(void) (arr[_##arr##_count - 1] = item),                                  \
	(&arr[_##arr##_count - 1])                                                \

For full test: https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-blender/trunk/blender/source/blender/blenlib/BLI_array.h
… sadly that is blender code :S

Not code, but pseudo-code:

DWIM (do what I mean)

According to Laurie Anderson…


No code to post, only a story.

Back when windows first came out and everyone was getting used to using a mouse. I had a boss in Japan that was a real jerk. So I wrote a small mouse driver that would switch the left and right mouse buttons after he clicked his left mouse button 20 times. It would swap the mouse buttons for 5 clicks, then switch them back again, waiting for another 20 clicks…

Everyone in the office knew I did this, but it was so enjoyable to watch him get pissed off at the computer that no one said a word…

Moral of the story: Don’t f#$% with someone that knows how to write drivers for your computer…

Priceless, place57. :slight_smile: