Office Archviz

I’m currently working on an office with cycles. All I have so far is the main room outline and the desk, but any comments and critiques you have are very much welcome. :slight_smile:

Looks good so far, though the desk is a bit thin and the render looks slightly grainy.

Thank you for all of your replies :slight_smile:

Owldude- I am roughly basing my furniture from the designs seen here- my desk did seem a bit thin compared to the designs so I’ve thickened up the top and legs.

I’m also not letting my pictures render for too long until I have come close to completing the scene right now-my computer takes it’s time with cycles :slight_smile:

danilius-I’ve added more detail to the skirting board and will do more to the crown moulding as well-hopefully it has enough detail to add some interest to the scene, but to still keep the minimalist look.

Farmfield-I have subdivided my walls and added displacement- it isn’t very visible in this render, but once I have set up the lighting I hope to get that realism :slight_smile:

Thanks for the advice, I’m now looking at adding more furniture to the scene, any more tips or critiques anyone have are once again welcome :smiley:

P.s. I didn’t mean to leave the material on the light as an emitter and I’m still trying to work out the best texture for the chair.