Offsetting UVs by 1 UV tile of identical mirrored meshes makes the normal map not read correctly

I have this weird issue happen where where I am offsetting my UVs for the right eye by one whole UV tile, which is something I do for UVs that are packed on top of each other for baking purposes.

When they are packed, the normal map is working correctly:

When offset the normal map stops working while all the other maps are fine:

Any ideas as to why this happens?

I’m not sure if this is really problem (or what’s the problem here)… in the second there seem to be a more sickle like white spot… but it also seem to be a slighly different section and /or angle ?? (The grey part on the bottom left is bigger…) …so if this is left and right eyes then also teh relections of the light source are in a different angle…

You may have to elaborate this to get a more suited answer.

Here’s a clearer image showing just the normal map.

Before offset:

After offset:

Same UV coordinate placement except that the UVs are on another tile. Very common method for optimising UVs for game development.

Oh yes… now i see :smile_cat: … weird…

The only thing i could think of: is your UV map somehow not lineing up to the image size ??

Or you may share the file ??

(Maybe cut out a bit if you do not want to share the complet eye… for example the bulge in front of the iris ?? And make some line over the normal map… ?? )

I’ll make a new .blend-file quickly with just the eyes.

Here you go!

Had to delete a lot of my default stuff to lower the file size.

Argghhh… too bad it’s 4.xx …the first 4.x version worked on my debian 10… but the later ones… do not…

time for a change ( also i 'm getting tired… it’s already after 21:30 here)
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Oof. I’ll see if I can convert it to 4.0.

…no… from 4.0… to 3.6… i’m tired… yes… but not so tired :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

(well i tried to just load it in 3.6… but to many errors and my PC good very very slooe (or tired too??) and saving it in 3.6 also doesnlt help ))

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played a bit with your setup, and found the culprit: a clamp factor in the ‘Linear Light’-node you used to distort your uv coordinates. That way the image texture is always behaving like it would when you would use ‘Extend’ in the extension options.

PS: the textures where missing in the file, likely because you forgot to pack them. In this case I just used a genereated texture to test the node setup, but for next time it would be nice if you would include them for easy testing :smiley:

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Yes, that worked! Thank you so much! :partying_face:

Weird that the texture isn’t there. Might have missed something while cleaning up the file. ^^;