Ogg format

Hey this is just a simple question out of curiosity.

Is there a program that can convert all my music files to the ogg format at once not one by one?

thank you

wich OS?
Anyway, I only use Linux
So…If you use KDE or Gnome, you can use the right click menu over
selected sound files ( maybe you must install some Konqueror or Nautilus “extensions”, it’s easy) ans choose the desired item
Or this nice tool:

or audacity check it’s batch processing, I don’t know for sure if it can do that http://audacity.sourceforge.net/

Well the thing with that is, so far as I know I can only open and save one file at a time in audacity. I have way too much music to do it one at a time.

I have windows, and I need to get them into my Ubuntu hardrive. I think it’s just better to convert them to ogg then get mp3 support working. Sorry I don’t have kde.

There’s the dBpowerAMP Converter, which allows you to do a batch conversion. Install it, then the Ogg plugin from here.

If you’re on Linux, you can use ECASound.

If you install oggenc and mpg321, you could use the following shell script to convert them all.

Note that it might remove all id3 tags embedded in the files.

# mp3 to ogg

for i in *.mp3; do
 if [ -e "$i" ]; then
   wav=`echo "$i"|sed -e 's/.[mM][pP]3/.wav/'`
   notag=`echo "$i"|sed -e 's/.[mM][pP]3/.ogg/'`
   mpg123 --wav "$wav" "$i"
   oggenc -q 3 -o "$notag" "$wav"
   rm -f $wav


But even better would be to leave all files in mp3 format and install mp3blaster (a command-line music player: http://mp3blaster.sourceforge.net/, http://packages.ubuntu.com/warty/sound/mp3blaster). And play all your music with that one.


By the way, if you convert a lossy file format to another, you’ll get the nastiest digital distortion in all of your music. I would only convert ogg, mp3, m4a, etc, to a lossless format.

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True, but not everyone has the golden ear, and it really depends on the listener and the chosen bitrate. (Ogg) Vorbis doesn’t do so bad when transcoding from mp3 or encoding to low bitrates, from the tests I’ve done.

Of course, encoding from the original source audio (never compressed) is the best way.

Leave you Mp3s in Mp3. Don’t change them. Instead, re-rip your music.

You will get noticable distortion in audio quality and if you’re wanting to use OGG to improve audio quality do level 7, 8 or possibly 9 if you’ve got a fine ear from the original CD. I generally use Exact Audio Copy though that’s not as easy as others.

Ogg is my favorite but not a lot of portable media players (Read: Apple iPod) support it. A level 7 or 8 Ogg (VBR 256 and 320) from CD will give mediumish file size with insane good quality.


Have fun.