Ohh help please making a container wall

Oh help please :slight_smile: , I’m a beginner and completely stuck, and finding the videos and tutorials don’t help me get to where I want to be. I’m a practical learner and need to learn with something I have in mind as I can’t visualise the end point properly.

So Im trying to create a container from a heart shape I managed to create out of a cube and a chopped in half cylinder. So basically it will be like a trinket box. Im stuck at punching the centre out and leaving a wall around it. Ive tried a number of ways but its not working.

I need to remove the area that’s red, The object is already hollow so I dont get the right effect if I remove the face, so I went and selected all the edges around the top then if I extrude those I just get an odd lip. So just not sure what to do now.

Simplest way is probably to delete the top faces and then add a solidify modifier.


Thank you @zeroskilz - I had tried that one in the wrong place - I tried it before removing the face :woman_facepalming: !

How do I deal with this next little hurdle? Im thinking add a cube and extendit to meet the top of the container?

Looks like you have duplicate verts. Just go into edit mode, select everything and merge-by-distance. (Press mBy Distance)

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smashing , that worked , thank you for your help @zeroskilz. Thats been doing my head in for 2 days :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

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Oh @zeroskilz , Ive just found a kink in the join - I’ve tried smooth but doesn’t do anything.

I donno… too many things which could be causing that… to prevent this thread from going on forever, here is a heart for you.
heart.blend (91.5 KB)


ooh bless you, thanks :hugs: - actually thats very helpful because I can see how you’ve created it - thank you :slight_smile:


Heres a quick render in Vue to see the results of your help , left is the container and right is the lid i worked out to make from the container :), thank you :slight_smile: