Old Attic

Hi there, this is my last render, I spent 2 weeks to create the concept and final scene, hope you like it!:grin:


Really nice! Love the atmosphere. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Holy smokes why doesn’t this have more replies?! This is incredible atmosphere and could definitely be used in a Pixar movie. I think I would have added some god rays, but the dust particles are nice and varied and clumpy which is what they should be. Well done.

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Hi JK, can I use your image to advertise on an instagram page I manage? Tks.

Well, you could probably use a little fill-light where the candle is (three o’clock), but I must say that I like the way that the light plays against the rafters and how there are strongly-converging lines pointing toward that window. The result is powerfully dramatic. I feel like something very interesting is about to happen in this space. Generally, the architectural details are excellent.

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