Old brick walls and arches

Another question in my explorations and tests. I am working on a model of old sacral building (Baptistery) which is made of mixed brick and stone walls and as well as round brick arches (Romanesque).

In preparation and to get an idea how to texture the arches I started with a test scene inspired by a cloister. I added a picture, I just took it as idea and not tried to copy it.

Here my test scene

I managed to find a way to procedurally build the arches. Could always be better, but for now it is fine. It is quite a fiddling with the mapping but in the end it seems to work.

Here is my scene in case you want to see and try. Just in case …
RomanesqueArch.blend (1.2 MB)

My questions:

  • Do you see another or better way to texture the round brick arches? Would you rather use image textures or even build the arches stone by stone as geometry (with the nodes)?

  • I am quite unhappy with the wall texture and have seen a lot of great examples in the community. Would you recommend to use image textures instead trying it procedurally?

To push this, because I would be really interested in the different approaches to create realistic “old” brick walls brick arches in particular :slight_smile:

Have you tried Wall Factory addon? Not sure if it’s builtin or an external.

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I can recommend this (paid) tutorial here:

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I will look into Wall Factory. From what I saw it is only about the mesh and not the texture, right? Still sounds great, thanks! :slight_smile:

Oh yes, the teaser looks great.

Yes, mesh only. But you can use the resulting mesh to create proper textures. Height map for micro displacement, per stone random color for texture lookup offsets and brightness variations, ao maps and so on.

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I will try it out … right now there is still a lot trying and learning for me. :slight_smile:

I had a look at Wall Factory the other day. Seems it is a great starting point.

I also found a good tutorial (no shortage on good tutorials anyway) from Erindale on the topic of procedural brick shading.

For the round arches I plan to use Wall Fabric to get me easy meshes as individual bricks/stones