I’ve already searched the Internet, but I didn’t find anything.
I want a timestamp on my Videos, like you know them from old Camcorders or from paranormal activity :D.
It should has the time in a Format like this (ss:mm:hh) and the date like (dd mm yyyy).
But it should not be the real time and date.
For example, I want to have the 26.11.1998 at 9:00am, with counting seconds.
And when it’s possible, I want to use a custom font, like VCR-OSD-MONO.
I have attached an example to this post.
The next Thing is, but ist not very necessary ,when the seconds reach 60, the Minute should increase by 1 and when the minutes reach 60, the hours should increase by 1. And when the hours reach 24, the Day should increase by 1 etc.
I think there’s some scripts or add on floating around. I wrote an LED counters one and I think I even have a small one for time. They use an actual text object though, which would be parented to the camera, you could put it on a separate render layer. I can try to dig it up if you don’t find anything.
Thanks to 3pointEdit for the Randomiser addon, I have found a way, how to add a timestamp to my Videos. A tutorial for People who want to add a timestamp to their Videos: