Old century spaceship

Hi, here is my latest work all done in Blender except for the flare (PS). Totally inspired by an image found on the net. I made something a little different than the original, because I wanted it that way. Cheers.


I added 2 more renders. Showing something different I think. Less sci-fi mood.


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend :slight_smile:

Glad to see it, thanks Bart !!! Have a nice week-end too.

I wish i were an artist !!!
For having so much imagination…

Thanks for this and happy blending !

Hi Pitibonom, I hope I will continue to progress in this software that I love so much. I agree with you this scene si a good idea. It’s not mine though, but I was happy to recreate it my way trying to get close from the model I found on the net. Thank you for your comment. Happy blending too :blush::blush:

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