Old Modifier Menu 2: 2.1 Update - Save Stacks

Update 2.2: Up to 4 modifier stacks can now be saved and added with a click

Update version 2

I can no longer afford to pay to host free addons on Blender Market. So, my previously free addons will either be removed or listed at the lowest possible price for the site ($0.51) - this includes the Old Mod Menu. Gumroad will retain the free earlier version but version 2 will be paid.

Because of this change I have decided the addon must be improved - so I have added the following features:

I have also thrown in a small addon to place timeline values around the UI


Thank so much! Just bought it!

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Woah dude you’re awesome, thank you so much!

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I updated the addon so the modifier options will change depending on the active object type: mesh/curve/text/volume/lattice



This wasn’t originally implemented because…I’m lazy.

Favorites can be added now too - but only when the active object is a mesh.


Perfect! Got the update. Works like a charm.

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:smiley: Glad to hear

Another bug fix update:

Go get the fix here:

Hope this helps
Blue Nile

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Update 2.2

Also was made aware of a bug from a user, now fixed : Surface Deform modifier was missing